A No-Nonsense Help Desk

Our help desk provides best-in-class tech support to students at colleges and universities. To deliver superior results for students, we add antivirus protection and monitoring. We audit the unique organizational and technical needs of each institution we serve and respond with a tailored suite of services to compliment their existing systems and protocols.

Help Desk

Our friendly, knowledgeable, U.S. based support team stands ready to save the day, any day, at any hour. Each user can register their computer, tablet, and phone. All issues are tracked with support tickets and receive top-priority. We deal with every ticket so you don’t have to. 


No university wants to deal with rampant viruses and malware. As part of our support service, we protect computers with all-in-one cloud security. Many of the computer problems your students would have had will be prevented.

Extra Protection, Better Results

Cloud Backup

When malware invades or hardware fails, users with backups get their files back. Users without backups do not. Data that’s not backed up is not secure. Our backup solutions can protect your institution and contribute to better results.

Email Protection

Most malware and viruses arrive attached to an email. Why not get rid of them before your users see them? Our email protection recognizes malicious code before it takes its toll on your institution.

Better Tech Support, Enhanced Productivity.

Things We Don’t Do

Parachute In and Take Over Your I.T. Department

We’re dedicated to being the very best at tech support for students, and that's what we concentrate on. We will never waste valuable resources on jumpsuits or paramilitary gear.

Show Up With a Truck and Wire Your Campus for the Future

Sorry, we’re just a cloud-based tech support service, committed to helping your students succeed. Everything we do can be accomplished at a distance.